les chaussettes de papa

So my dad is the kind of dad who assumes that everything I’m knitting is being made for him. But this time, it was for him. He turned 52, and I decided to make him some thick socks for hiking. I hope yours enjoys them as much as mine did!

Size 4 dpns
Supersocke worsted weight yarn (you could also use Opal Snowflake XL)
Tapestry needle

CO 56 sts
Join in the round on dpns and work (k2, p2) rib pattern for 8″

You may need to move some sts around so that the counts are correct:
Needle 1: 26 sts
Needle 2: 15 sts
Needle 3: 15 sts

Using the first 26 sts of the row, work in (sl1, k1) on the RS and (sl1, p to end) on the WS
Repeat these two rows for a total of 27 rows, ending with a RS row

On the WS
p15, p2tog, p1, turn
sl1, k7, k2tog, k1, turn
sl1, p8, p2tog, p1, turn
sl1, k9, k2tog, k1, turn
sl1, p10, p2tog, p1, turn
sl1, k11, k2tog, k1, turn
sl1, p12, p2tog, p1, turn
sl1, k13, k2tog, k1, turn
sl1, p14, p2tog
sl1, k14, k2tog

Along the side of the heel (needle 1), pu & k 14 sts, then continue in rib pattern
(There should be the 14 pu sts, plus 15 ribbed sts on needle 2)
Do the same along the other side of the heel
(There will be 15 ribbed sts, then pu & k 14 again on needle 3)

It may be helpful to place stitch markers in between the 14 pu sts and the 15 ribbed sts.

Rnd 1
Needle 1: knit
Needle 2: k until 3 before marker, k2tog, k1, work rib pattern for rest of needle
Needle 3: work rib pattern until marker (15 sts), k1, ssk, k until end of needle

Rnd 2
Knit all sts

**Repeat these two rows until you are back to 56 sts

Work continued pattern (k between markers including heel, rib on top of sock) until 1 1/2″ before the end of foot.
In this case, I knit 10″ before decreasing for the toe because my dad wears a size 12 shoe.

TOE (Grab an extra needle for this part)
Needle 1: 14 sts (This will be the second half of the sts on needle 1)
Needle 2: 14 sts
Needle 3: 14 sts
Needle 4: 14 sts (This will be the first half of the sts on needle 1)

Rnd 1
Needle 1: k to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1
Needle 2: k1, ssk, k to end of needle
Needle 3: k to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1
Needle 4: k1, ssk, k to end of needle

Rnd 2
Knit all sts

**Repeat these two rows until 24 sts remain
Complete sock using kitchener st.
Weave in ends.