WIP: Portside Travel Set

I’m already delving into bigger and better things! I am super excited to be starting the Portside Travel Set pattern from Grainline Studio! I have been using the same Adidas duffle bag since middle school and can’t wait to have a more adult looking one to use for weekend trips!

The travel set consists of a duffle bag, a toiletries (or knitting project) bag, and a smaller simple bag that can be used for a passport or other travel necessities. I had to get some thicker, more sturdy fabrics and chose these awesome ones from Firecracker Fabrics! The striped fabric will be on the upper half of the bags, and the dark denim the lower half. The pink is the lining, which is very unlike me. But I’m trying desperately to branch out of only ever using blue, so I thought the pink was a fun pop of color!

I started working on the smallest bag and was able to finish it (pictured below). It wasn’t difficult, and I was feeling good about my sewing abilities! Then I started on the next bag, which is lined and MUCH more intense. And sadly, I remembered why I stopped sewing years ago. I seam ripped that damn thing so many times, but instead of giving up, I just kept at it until I got it right. Because had I set it down, it could have gotten pushed into the back of my closet and sat for years. (Oops, I tend to do that with knitting too. At this point, I should just frog all those half-finished projects!) So while it has been difficult, I can definitely see my work improving and think once I finally get the hang of it, these bags will be such awesome gifts!!!

I’ll definitely post as I continue on with this project – stay tuned!


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