I sew now (again)!

Ok so technically it’s not really a new hobby, because I used to sew a lot in high school. My best friend and I would spend hours and hours sewing different models of purses, and sometimes give them away or sell them. We both made epic floor cushions that we still use, 10 years later. And possibly the most impressive things I made were homecoming and prom dresses.

Unfortunately I didn’t bring my sewing machine to college, and kind of fell out of it. I think the fact that knitting is so portable makes it such a great hobby, so that took over.

But now I’m back, baby. Back to staying up late and trying to finish a shirt, or dress, or whatever else I can get my hands on. And I’m already so ambitious! I want to make the Portside Travel Set next, and while it says it’s for advanced beginners, it looks bloody difficult.

I guess I should back up a little. This new (yet old) obsession started two weeks ago when I started taking a sewing class at the Cut & Sew Studio. The class model is awesome: you can make whatever you want, and get assistance during class. But you can also work on it at home if you want. So I decided I wanted to make a simple dress and a simple shirt. I of course had a hard time picking fabric because I’m the most indecisive human who ever lived, but ended up picking some really cute stuff. The dress I made is called Dress No. 1 from 100 Acts of Sewing (an awesome sewing blog complete with great tutorials!) and the shirt is Shirt No. 1. You can tell they’re basic from their names. I began sewing them and immediately wanted to finish them! I re-learned how to use bias tape, and about how to prevent fraying using a zig zag stitch on the edges. Needless to say, I couldn’t help but sew as much as possible during those first two classes, receiving some help from our awesome instructor!

SO after this week’s class I decided that I couldn’t possibly wait another week to sew, so I set up my machine and went to JoAnn Fabrics to get some essential sewing supplies. I ended up getting new scissors, a rotary cutter, pins, a fabric pencil, a seam ripper, more fabric (on super sale so I can practice – I generally like to shop at small local businesses), and bias tape. Oh, and an iron and ironing board, because what 25 year old has those? I got to work making another Dress No. 1 and this time, with a v-neck. I finished it this morning and I just cannot wait to wear it! I’m dreaming about a completely handmade wardrobe…how does anyone get anything else accomplished when there are so many fun crafty hobbies?!

Below you can see my projects! Are you also a knitter who sews? What are you working on?






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