2018 Knitting Resolutions!


I did the instagram trend #makenine2018 to document which projects I’m really excited about for 2018! Originally I had 1 hat and 8 sweaters, but then told myself that’s too many sweaters! So I switched it up a bit.

  1. Fidra by Gudrun Johnston
  2. Veronika Cardigan by Shannon Cook
  3. Snowy Toes by Trin-Annelie
  4. Yoga Shawl by Andrea Mowry
  5. Spark Sweater by Amanda Lilley
  6. Sous Sous by Norah Gaughan
  7. Deep Woods Toque by Kiyomi Burgin
  8. Alanis by Elizabeth Smith
  9. Sturbridge Pullover by Pam Allen

My additional knitting resolutions are:

  • block things as soon as they’re finished instead of letting them sit in a bad for months (oops!)
  • document all WIPs (works in progress) & FOs (finished objects) on Ravelry
  • have only 3 projects going at a time
  • continue designing


Do you have any knitting resolutions for this year? Let me know!

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