FO: Duffle Bag!!!

On Sunday I sewed my entire duffle bag from the Portside Travel Set by Grainline Studio!!! I can’t believe how quickly I was able to finish it, and just in time for my family vacation on Thursday. It was super fun to sew, and while it’s not perfect, I love it more than anything I’ve ever sewn!

The instructions were pretty clear, but I think it helped to have already made the two smaller bags. I think it mostly prevented a lot of seam ripping like I had to do on the toiletry bag. When I started the set I thought the advanced beginner label on the pattern seemed wrong…and I still maybe feel that way. It seems more intermediate to me. The striped fabric helped in a lot of ways because I was able to match up patterns easily. But on the other hand, it was very visible if I didn’t match things up perfectly, so that’s when the seam ripping happened. Luckily it wasn’t much.

The bag is much larger than I had anticipated, and I could EASILY fit a week’s worth of clothes in there. I am so ready to finally put that plastic Adidas duffle bag to rest!


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WIP: Portside Travel Set

I’m already delving into bigger and better things! I am super excited to be starting the Portside Travel Set pattern from Grainline Studio! I have been using the same Adidas duffle bag since middle school and can’t wait to have a more adult looking one to use for weekend trips!

The travel set consists of a duffle bag, a toiletries (or knitting project) bag, and a smaller simple bag that can be used for a passport or other travel necessities. I had to get some thicker, more sturdy fabrics and chose these awesome ones from Firecracker Fabrics! The striped fabric will be on the upper half of the bags, and the dark denim the lower half. The pink is the lining, which is very unlike me. But I’m trying desperately to branch out of only ever using blue, so I thought the pink was a fun pop of color!

I started working on the smallest bag and was able to finish it (pictured below). It wasn’t difficult, and I was feeling good about my sewing abilities! Then I started on the next bag, which is lined and MUCH more intense. And sadly, I remembered why I stopped sewing years ago. I seam ripped that damn thing so many times, but instead of giving up, I just kept at it until I got it right. Because had I set it down, it could have gotten pushed into the back of my closet and sat for years. (Oops, I tend to do that with knitting too. At this point, I should just frog all those half-finished projects!) So while it has been difficult, I can definitely see my work improving and think once I finally get the hang of it, these bags will be such awesome gifts!!!

I’ll definitely post as I continue on with this project – stay tuned!


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I sew now (again)!

Ok so technically it’s not really a new hobby, because I used to sew a lot in high school. My best friend and I would spend hours and hours sewing different models of purses, and sometimes give them away or sell them. We both made epic floor cushions that we still use, 10 years later. And possibly the most impressive things I made were homecoming and prom dresses.

Unfortunately I didn’t bring my sewing machine to college, and kind of fell out of it. I think the fact that knitting is so portable makes it such a great hobby, so that took over.

But now I’m back, baby. Back to staying up late and trying to finish a shirt, or dress, or whatever else I can get my hands on. And I’m already so ambitious! I want to make the Portside Travel Set next, and while it says it’s for advanced beginners, it looks bloody difficult.

I guess I should back up a little. This new (yet old) obsession started two weeks ago when I started taking a sewing class at the Cut & Sew Studio. The class model is awesome: you can make whatever you want, and get assistance during class. But you can also work on it at home if you want. So I decided I wanted to make a simple dress and a simple shirt. I of course had a hard time picking fabric because I’m the most indecisive human who ever lived, but ended up picking some really cute stuff. The dress I made is called Dress No. 1 from 100 Acts of Sewing (an awesome sewing blog complete with great tutorials!) and the shirt is Shirt No. 1. You can tell they’re basic from their names. I began sewing them and immediately wanted to finish them! I re-learned how to use bias tape, and about how to prevent fraying using a zig zag stitch on the edges. Needless to say, I couldn’t help but sew as much as possible during those first two classes, receiving some help from our awesome instructor!

SO after this week’s class I decided that I couldn’t possibly wait another week to sew, so I set up my machine and went to JoAnn Fabrics to get some essential sewing supplies. I ended up getting new scissors, a rotary cutter, pins, a fabric pencil, a seam ripper, more fabric (on super sale so I can practice – I generally like to shop at small local businesses), and bias tape. Oh, and an iron and ironing board, because what 25 year old has those? I got to work making another Dress No. 1 and this time, with a v-neck. I finished it this morning and I just cannot wait to wear it! I’m dreaming about a completely handmade wardrobe…how does anyone get anything else accomplished when there are so many fun crafty hobbies?!

Below you can see my projects! Are you also a knitter who sews? What are you working on?






2018 Knitting Resolutions!


I did the instagram trend #makenine2018 to document which projects I’m really excited about for 2018! Originally I had 1 hat and 8 sweaters, but then told myself that’s too many sweaters! So I switched it up a bit.

  1. Fidra by Gudrun Johnston
  2. Veronika Cardigan by Shannon Cook
  3. Snowy Toes by Trin-Annelie
  4. Yoga Shawl by Andrea Mowry
  5. Spark Sweater by Amanda Lilley
  6. Sous Sous by Norah Gaughan
  7. Deep Woods Toque by Kiyomi Burgin
  8. Alanis by Elizabeth Smith
  9. Sturbridge Pullover by Pam Allen

My additional knitting resolutions are:

  • block things as soon as they’re finished instead of letting them sit in a bad for months (oops!)
  • document all WIPs (works in progress) & FOs (finished objects) on Ravelry
  • have only 3 projects going at a time
  • continue designing


Do you have any knitting resolutions for this year? Let me know!

Breathing Space

Along with my Almost There & Adirondack Pullover for my dad, I’m also knitting a third sweater right now. And let me tell you, I’m totally pumped about it. I’m done knitting things I don’t want to knit – I am the queen of my own knitting destiny and I like sweaters, so sweaters are what I will knit!

Anyway, I’ve admired this pattern for about two years and am finally knitting it! It’s called Breathing Space by Veera Valimaki, and it features some pretty interesting techniques, including short rows and asymmetrical stripes! That being said, it’s a pretty simple knit once you’re finished with those sections. I’m using Manos del Uruguay Alegria, my favorite yarn in the shop, in Teal and Atlantico. You can see my progress below!


Almost There…

IMG_9831 As usual, I started my KAL early. This pattern is Almost There by Isabell Kraemer! She has such beautiful design and I have wanted to knit one for a while. Plus, I am really excited to be knitting a sweater just as the weather gets a little cooler! Today it’s 62 degrees in Pittsburgh, perfect knitting weather!!! I chose this pattern because I thought it would be a fun, not-so-difficult project. I’m using Queensland Collection Oxley (50% yak down & 50% merino wool) and Cascade Longwood Sport (100% merino wool). They are so damn soft, guys.

It is knit from the top down. At this point I have surpassed the short rows, which were super fun (they were German short rows – my favorite!) and I’m currently increasing for the sleeves, front, and back. I kept making mistakes on this increase section because the increases were every three rows, while the colors are switched every two rows. It was hard to keep track. But I’m on my way and hope to finish the top part soon!

New pattern: Sapphirine Splash

A new pattern is available on Ravelry today! Sapphirine Splash is worked flat in two pieces from the bottom up, then seamed at the sides and shoulders. It features an alternating pattern of garter stitch and rows of dropped stitches. I used Mirasol Pima Splash for the blue version, and Juniper Moon Farm Neve for the cream, both worsted chainette cotton yarns. The blue version is modeled by Melanie Smith and JUDY GREER, and the solid one is pictured on me! I hope you like it as much as I do! You can find the pattern here.

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Splash: A new design coming soon!



This is the second time we have participated in the Steel Valley Yarn Crawl in the Greater Pittsburgh Area. It’s currently in full swing, and hilariously exciting to see how many other people are as obsessed with yarn as I am! I actually saw someone run one time. Now, I’m no runner, but I would absolutely run for yarn.

Each shop is responsible for an original pattern to hand out during the crawl, and I got to design one last year! It was Imbricated Solstice, and luckily people were really into it! This year, I designed a boxy top which looks really interesting but is actually a really easy knit. It features lots of garter, dropped stitches (kind of, they’re more like extra wraps that you then drop), and some short rows! This would be a great first garment for a dope knitter who is looking to break out of simple accessories!

So I knit the shop sample out of Mirasol Pima Splash, which comes in a lot of cool colors, but of course I chose blue because my name is Kylen and I love blue. It’s 100% Pima cotton, and it’s a really tight chainette yarn. But I’m also test-knitting my own pattern (mostly because I wanted to knit it again in my own size) out of Juniper Moon Farm Neve, which is a super soft, also chainette, yarn. After that, I might add a version with sleeves because I think it’d be awesome! So stay tuned, friends.

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Exploration Station!

GUYS. I have always admired Stephen West’s brilliant patterns but have never actually knit one! So now I must venture into becoming part of the Stephen West club. Exploration Station is the pattern I chose as the August knit-along at the shop. Of course I have already started it even though August isn’t for another four days. OOPS. The yarn I’m using is Color A: Lattes & Llamas Vacation Yarn in Angola; Color B: Stunning String Studio Stunning Superwash in Real Teal; Color C: Oink Pigments Oink Sock in Zoot Soot Riot; Color D: Lattes & Llamas Vacation Yarn in Baskerville. I have just finished Wedge 3 of the pattern. This pattern includes short rows, eyelets, an i-cord border, brioche, mosaic knitting (a slipped stitch pattern), and lace! You can see my progress below.

Exploration Station

Freeing My Fade – Part 2

A couple weeks ago  I showed you guys my progress on my Free Your Fade shawl by Andrea Mowry! Well, here it is finished! I used three colorways of Oink Sock from Oink Pigments – 40 grams of Zoot Soot Riot, 60 grams of Teal Appeal, and 85 grams of Spring Forward. Pictured here is my roommate Miriam modeling it in front of a mural in Millvale, PA  and I couldn’t be more happy with how it turned out! I even like the yellow! You can see my Ravelry project here.

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