Almost There…

IMG_9831 As usual, I started my KAL early. This pattern is Almost There by Isabell Kraemer! She has such beautiful design and I have wanted to knit one for a while. Plus, I am really excited to be knitting a sweater just as the weather gets a little cooler! Today it’s 62 degrees in Pittsburgh, perfect knitting weather!!! I chose this pattern because I thought it would be a fun, not-so-difficult project. I’m using Queensland Collection Oxley (50% yak down & 50% merino wool) and Cascade Longwood Sport (100% merino wool). They are so damn soft, guys.

It is knit from the top down. At this point I have surpassed the short rows, which were super fun (they were German short rows – my favorite!) and I’m currently increasing for the sleeves, front, and back. I kept making mistakes on this increase section because the increases were every three rows, while the colors are switched every two rows. It was hard to keep track. But I’m on my way and hope to finish the top part soon!

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