Splash: A new design coming soon!



This is the second time we have participated in the Steel Valley Yarn Crawl in the Greater Pittsburgh Area. It’s currently in full swing, and hilariously exciting to see how many other people are as obsessed with yarn as I am! I actually saw someone run one time. Now, I’m no runner, but I would absolutely run for yarn.

Each shop is responsible for an original pattern to hand out during the crawl, and I got to design one last year! It was Imbricated Solstice, and luckily people were really into it! This year, I designed a boxy top which looks really interesting but is actually a really easy knit. It features lots of garter, dropped stitches (kind of, they’re more like extra wraps that you then drop), and some short rows! This would be a great first garment for a dope knitter who is looking to break out of simple accessories!

So I knit the shop sample out of Mirasol Pima Splash, which comes in a lot of cool colors, but of course I chose blue because my name is Kylen and I love blue. It’s 100% Pima cotton, and it’s a really tight chainette yarn. But I’m also test-knitting my own pattern (mostly because I wanted to knit it again in my own size) out of Juniper Moon Farm Neve, which is a super soft, also chainette, yarn. After that, I might add a version with sleeves because I think it’d be awesome! So stay tuned, friends.

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